Friday 2 March 2012

indahnya perkahwinan.


Assalamualaikum. :)

bila kita jatuh,ada orang yg tlg bimbing kita untuk terus berjalan menimba ilmu di bumi Allah S.W.T.tanpa kita sedar sebenarnya,itu pemberian Allah yang tak mungkin sama dengan orang yang berada di sekililing kita.kadang2,kita lukakan hati mereka semata2 untuk kita berasa puas dengan perbuatan itu.namun,dalam hati kita ,kita berdoa agar mereka datang kepada kita dan memaafkan kita.walaupun semua perbuatan itu berasal dari kita.kecilnya hati dan sempitnya fikiran dulu,padahal indahnya persahabatan tak dapat dinilai kerana kawan itu sering silih berganti selama kita menimba ilmu.namun,teman yang masih setia mendengar segala kegembiraan dan kedukaan adalah anugerah yang terbaik untuk diri kita .

Allah itu Maha Adil.Dia berikan kita apa yang kita perlukan dan bukan apa yang kita kehendaki.Betapa besarnya kuasa Allah,menetapkan yang terbaik untuk kita agar kita terus melangkah di bumiNya.Bersyukurlah kita masih diberi peluang untuk bersama sahabat,teman,kawan sehingga hari ini.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

olimpiad maths

Assalamualaikum :)

full smile of big heart.insyaAllah.da lamer mimi xupdte blog ksygn .rnduuuuuu.brbnd mxs slow sgt. *____*
so,ari nie kls xfull sgt so,bblogging jap.
smlm,mimi n roomate mimi,ita decided to join OLYMPiad maths.grrrr.pnyelar ssh soklan. subjktif. *BAEK punyer* mmg kaw2 ar jwb maths.xtertekan clculator mse jwb.formula pun,mmg jwb ikt rser hati .hehe.astaghfirullahal'azim.

Sunday 8 January 2012

1year 1month

Assalamualaikum :)

to be known someone closely,i feel better to be closestfriend to me.sharing lots of gladness n sadness.tengs for the best moment dat shared by us.lots of inspiration,tengs.tengs for everytim :)

1year 1month of knowing.
1year 1month of sharing
1year 1month of smile :)

chemistry -solid properties

Intermolecular Forces

Types of Solids* Intermolecular Force(s) Between Particles

1.  Metallic Crystals (Metals)
Examples:  Na, Cu, Fe, Mn
Metallic bonding:  Valence electrons form mobile
sea of electrons which comprise the metallic

2.  Ionic Crystals (Ionic Solids)
Examples:  NaCl, MgCl2, MgO
Ionic Bonding:  Attraction of charged ions for one
another. Lattice energy is a measure of ionic bond

3.  Covalent Crystals (Network
Examples (small class!):
C(diamond), SiC(s), SiO2 (quartz)
Network  covalent bonding. Network solids are
extremely hard compounds with very high melting
and boiling points due to their endless 3-
dimensional network of covalent bonds.

4.  Molecular Crystals
Examples: One or more of the following:
(a) Need H bonded to O, N or F:
H2O, HF, NH3.
(a)  Hydrogen bonding:  Hydrogen bonds are
weaker than covalent bonds, but stronger than (b)
or (c) below.
(b)  C6H6 (benzene), polyethylene,
I2, F2, and all the compounds from
(a) above.
(b)  Dispersion forces (induced dipole – induced
dipole or  London dispersion forces):  universal
force of attraction between instantaneous dipoles.
These forces are weak for small, low-molecular
weight molecules, but large for heavy, long, and/
or highly polarizable molecules.  They usually
dominate over (c) below.
(c)  CHF3, CH3COCH3 (acetone)
and H2O, HF, NH3.
(c)  Dipole-dipole forces:  these forces act
between polar molecules.  They are much weaker
than hydrogen bonding.
Note:  Van der Waals Forces is a category which includes both categories (b) and (c)

5. Atomic Crystals
Examples:  He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe
Dispersion forces:  See Section 4(b) above.
*Note:  Many of the compounds given as examples are not solids at room temperature.  
But if you cool them down to a low enough temperature, eventually they will become 

Saturday 7 January 2012

homework time. :D

Assalamualaikum :)

arinie adlh ari homework.nyk y perlu disettlekn.smalam byk sgt,kne hbiskan mase ai nie dgn STUDY.insyaAllah.

aiseyman,mtak smpat nk wt rvision.da nak pra-UPS. uhuhuhuuhhuhu. hope i'm getting ready for all science sbjct well :)

retro permulaan

Assalamualaikum n hye pepels :)

Mood msih new,mimi decided to create new one blog.more simpler than before.just for perkongsian pngalaman n ilmu.insyaAllah.I'm not good writter but i'm writting from deep of heart :D
mimi xpndai sgt,plus minus BM and English. sori. :)

"selamat tahun baru" *sigh*

just like before,every step that i'm gonna in my life.hope it'll be the super duper GREAT,which i'll never being dissapoint soon.Amin.
y len2 simpan dlm,mlu nk ckp :)

2011 being memoir :D
welcome 2012 

Sometimes Allah tests us so that we can see the rainbow after a stormy rain. If we can’t see the rainbow in this world, then inshAllah we can in the Hereafter. Just be strong in your heart and mind! Furnish it with faith, love, trust, and sincerity for the sake of Allah. Make your imagination embroidered with His love and light. InshAllah tranquility and contentment will penetrate into our soul. That is when our imagination triumphs over intelligence.